How does acupuncture/dry needling help with hemorrhoids?
Many Americans experience hemorrhoids at certain point of life. The symptoms can be wide range from mild pain with no bleeding to unbearable pain with prolapsed tissue. No matter the severity of your hemorrhoids, the symptoms really affects the daily life quality.
1. acupuncture helps to ease the pain. Acupuncture is a effective tool for inflammation and pain control. By decreasing inflammation and calming down the nerve, most of patients reports less pain in anal region.
2. Acupuncture helps restore blood circulation around hemorrhoids. The biggest reason why we develop hemorrhoids, is because of the blood circulation restricted around anal area, it could be the connective tissue tightness that restrict capillary activities, or it could be adipose tissue deposition slowing down capillary venous return, or very commonly, the voluntary muscles getting weaker and involuntary muscle around anal sphincters increase muscle tone. No matter the cause of the blood circulation interruption, acupuncture by restoring blood circulation, is helpful treating hemorrhoids.
3.Dry needling help reduce hemorrhoids by resetting muscles around anal area. Dry needling with acupuncture needles can help improve pelvic floor muscle neuromuscular control, and prompt anal sphincter smooth muscle function.
Clinically, most of patients report relieve of symptoms after each treatment. Acupuncture is a great tool to help our body heal hemorrhoids.